Other Useful Information


The official currency is Iranian Rials (IRR), which has an exchange rate of between 30,000 – 40,000 for EUR 1. Nobody uses Rials however, everyone uses Toman (which is 10 Rials). So EUR 1 is around 3,000-4,000 Tomans

Oanda has information on the latest exchange rates and features an online currency converter.

Your credit/debit cards won’t work. Local cards are accepted in many places but cash is accepted everywhere. Useful official bank notes are 1,000 Toman (10,000 Rials) 5,000 Toman (50,000 Rials) and 10,000 Toman (100,000) Rials. You will also see a lot of pinkish money like travellers cheques that are 50,000 Tomans (500,000 Rials). These are worth around EUR 13 or so.

You can’t exchange money easily in town, or anywhere outside of Iran. Your best bet is to exchange enough money at the airport. Your hotel will also exchange EUR or USD, but at a very bad rate.


The following sockets and types of plugs used in Iran:
type C

type E

type F

If none of your usual plugs are compatible, you should buy a universal travel adapter so you can plug in your electric devices.

Emergency numbers

Ambulance – 115
Directory inquiries – 118
Fire Brigade – 125
Police – 110 (112 from mobile phones will also get you through to the local police)
Fire & Rescue – 125

Time Zone

The time zone in Tehran is UTC +4:30 hours
Time converter


Tehran features a semi-arid, continental climate (Köppen climate classification: BSk). Tehran’s climate is largely defined by its geographic location, with the towering Alborz Mountains to the north and the central desert to the south. It can be generally described as mild in the spring and autumn, hot and dry in the summer, and cold in the winter.

In April, the temperature in Tehran varies between 16 and 22 degrees Celsius.

Tehran and Iran

General information about Tehran and Iran can be found at the Tehran Tourism Website.